There shouldn't even be a recipe for this, it's really a make it up as you go along type breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning.
5 large eggs
a handful of chorizo, sliced liked matchsticks
a handful of mozzarella cheese, grated
a pinch of dried Rosemary
salt and pepper, to taste
a knob of butter, for cooking
7 slices of bacon (optional)
peanut oil, for frying
3 or 4 slices of bread, even better if it's homemade
Break the eggs in a bowl, and beat lightly. Stir in chorizo and cheese, add salt and pepper to taste. Be mindful that chorizo may be salty, so go easy on the salt.
If serving with bacon, pre-heat your frying pan now to medium high heat. Pre-heat a saucepan on medium-low heat, then melt a knob butter, and swirl butter around base of saucepan. When butter starts to sizzle, pour in egg mixture. Cook over medium-low heat, leaving egg to cook without stirring for 3 minutes.
Meanwhile, pour peanut oil into pre-heated frying pan, then spread out pieces of bacon, and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until bacon is brown on both sides.
Place two plates in microwave, and heat for 2 minutes. Check in on your eggs while bacon is cooking, start turning and stirring egg with a wooden spoon. You want to get a runny consistency, slightly firm, but still wet. Stir regularly, as cheese will brown on the bottom of the saucepan. Remove from heat when still slightly wet. It will continue to cook in its own heat.
Place slices of bread in toaster, and spread with butter when ready.
When bacon is cooked, remove warmed plates from microwave, lay a kitchen towel on one plate, and transfer bacon to plate.
Place buttered toast on warmed plates, spoon egg onto toast, and lay bacon on the side. Serve immediately.