Sunday 2 October 2011

Avgolemono - Greek Egg and Lemon Soup

I tried this recipe when I found myself with bags of lemons from our friend's garden harvest. We had Lemon Loaf, Preserved Lemons, and used the Rustic French Rub quite a lot during this time. My friend Thomai was appalled that I had added soy sauce to the seasoning at the end, but I must say it did the trick for me.

1.5 litres well-flavoured Chicken Stock, free of fat
freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup long-grained rice
3 large eggs
juice of 2 lemons

Bring stock to simmering point. Adjust seasoning and drop in rice. Simmer for 15 minutes until rice is cooked.

Beat eggs and lemon juice until frothy. Add a ladleful of hot stock to egg mixture and continue to whisk. Remove stock from heat and allow to cool for 2-3 minutes. Quickly tip in egg mixture, stirring to mix well. Taste again for salt and pepper. Serve at once.

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